

Mensch und Computer 2024 in Karlsruhe

Our research group participated at Mensch und Computer 2024 in Karlsruhe, where PhD candidate Verena Staab presented her research on "Automation and its Effects on Mental Workload in Industrial Sectors". Her work offers fresh insights, particularly within the maritime industry. ⚓ 🌊

📚 Check out her paper here:


It was fantastic to connect with both familiar and new faces from industry and research. Looking forward to continuing these valuable discussions and collaborations! 🤝


DGPS Summer School for Human Factors

This week, our PhD candidate Eva Gößwein and research assistant Maike Ramrath attended the 6th DGPS Summer School for Human Factors. The two of them presented their current research, Eva on executive functions and the adaption to new technologies, and Maike on remote surveillance. It was a great chance to connect with other PhD students and get feedback from experienced researchers!

Eva and Maike had a great time in Braunschweig and thank the DGPs-Fachgruppe Ingenieurpsychologie and especially the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. for the great organization (and the group picture)!


Collecting data in our ship simulator

Over the past few months, we've been busy collecting data in our ship simulator! The latest developments in inland navigation automation show how important it is to test the new systems early on to make sure they're user-friendly.

Our study aimed to assess situation awareness when monitoring autonomous systems to intervene in potentially dangerous situations. We also explored whether surveillance causes mental under- or overload and how vigilance, a form of sustained attention, influences this.

This research will provide valuable insights into how jobs in shipping and other sectors can evolve over time. We’re currently analyzing the eye-tracking data and look forward to sharing the results with you soon. Stay tuned!


A visit from Brandenburg

A PhD journey doesn't have to be a solitary experience! Collaboration and shared interests can enrich the research process and lead to discoveries while integrating interdisciplinary perspectives.

One shining example is the cooperation between our lab and
Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg. Our colleagues Eva Gößwein and Julia Braun are jointly exploring the adaptation to connected car service technology. To strengthen this partnership, they recently took a tour of the simulators in Duisburg, deepening their understanding and connection.

A big thank you to Julia Braun and Martina Klein for visiting us! We eagerly anticipate the innovative outcomes this collaboration will bring. 


Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität in Duisburg

Nearly a month ago, on the 13th of June, our team members Jule Stamm and Eva Gößwein had the pleasure of participating in the Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität in Duisburg. They presented on two intriguing topics from the intersection of psychology and mobility: "Was bewegt den Wandel? Der Einfluss von Persönlichkeit, Gewohnheit und Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels auf das individuelle Mobilitätsverhalten" and "Was bewegt Menschen außerhalb von Großstädten? Einflussfaktoren auf das Mobilitätsverhalten in ländlichen Gebieten."
The event was a fantastic opportunity to engage in thought-provoking talks and discussions and to connect with our amazing colleagues in such a vibrant setting. We're grateful for the enriching experience and look forward to continuing these important conversations.


HHAI 2024: Hybrid Human AI Systems for the Social Good

Last week, we had a great time at the third Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2024) Conference in Malmö, Sweden. The conference focused on the study of Artificial Intelligent systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively, and purposefully with humans, amplifying rather than replacing human intelligence.


We had the opportunity to hear from experts on a variety of topics, including LLMs, trust in HI-systems and various HI applications. The conference fostered an interdisciplinary exchange between psychologists and computer scientists, enriching the dialogue with diverse perspectives. This type of collaboration is essential for developing HHAI systems that are both effective and user-friendly.


We are excited to share our proceedings paper on “Trust in AI Chatbots: The Perceived Expertise of ChatGPT in Subjective and Objective Tasks”, which delves into trust dynamics in AI interactions. You can access the paper here:, it’s open access.


Research Visit at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (Doha)

What an incredible week in Doha, full of new experiences and fruitful discussions with brilliant minds from Hamad Bin Khalifa University, University of Doha for Science and Technology, and Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar.

We delved into the field of Human-Computer Interaction, discussing topics of Explainable AI, Data Security, Gamification, Virtual Environments, and explored the relevance of cognitive functions, adaptability, and trust in these domains.

A special thank you to Raian Ali and Hamad Bin Khalifa University for the warm hospitality and for inviting me. I am excited about the prospect of increasing our level of cooperation and embarking on new projects in the future.


#ScientificExchange #HumanComputerInteraction #XAI #DataSecurity #Gamification #VirtualEnvironments #Collaboration #Innovation


Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - Europe Chapter (Lübeck)


What an exciting week at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - Europe Chapter conference in Lübeck!

We as Human Factors and Cognition were thrilled to come together with 175 attendees from 18 countries to share and discover the latest insights in our field. In line with the city's maritime flair, we presented our latest research findings from the maritime context, along with a asystematic review on executive functions and adaptation to new technologies. It was a fantastic opportunity to present our research to an international audience and receive valuable feedback from colleagues across Europe.

A heartfelt thank you also goes to the organizers and sponsors who made this event possible. We are grateful to be part of such a vibrant and dynamic community of researchers and look forward to continuing the discussions and collaborations at future events.


Successful conclusion of the FernBin project

Yesterday we participated in the final project event of the FernBin project focusing on Remote Coordinated Navigation in Inland Navigation.


FernBin addresses the challenges of inland navigation by providing a secure remote control system for vessels such as Rhenus Logistics' "Ernst Kramer". The project aims to alleviate the shortage of skilled personnel and maximize the efficiency of vessel operations.



At the event, we highlighted our contribution: the integration of psychological insights and human factors into the project framework. In addition, we presented the first results of our remote control study focusing on mental workload and human factors during remote control of vessels.


Behind the scenes: The STRALI team on the road in Frohnhausen!

Yesterday was a particularly enriching day for us from the STRALI project team, as we set out to make direct contact with the citizens of the Frohnhausen district. Our aim was to use the local library to gather opinions, experiences and wishes from citizens on the topic of mobility.


It was a great opportunity to gain a deeper insight into people's everyday mobility needs. Through surveys and face-to-face conversations, we were able to gain valuable insights to help us paint a more detailed picture of mobility habits and ideas in Essen.
We have endeavored to give everyone the opportunity to contribute their voice, whether through direct feedback or completed questionnaires about their daily journeys and the challenges they face.


Every shared experience plays an important role in our efforts to better understand and respond to mobility needs in the city of Essen. So a big thank you to everyone who was part of this exchange yesterday. Your openness and commitment are a true inspiration for our future work.


We look forward to analyzing the insights gathered to deepen our understanding of mobility in Essen. Stay tuned for further updates and developments on the STRALI project or take part in our survey!


Networking Event on the Topic of Mobility Projects in North Rhine-Westphalia


Last Thursday, an inspiring networking event on the topic of mobility projects in North Rhine-Westphalia took place in Oberhausen. Representatives from various mobility projects gathered that morning to exchange ideas and learn from each other.

The atmosphere was characterized by creative exchanges and lively discussions. In addition to engaging conversations, there was also a delicious buffet provided by #refugeeskitchen.

The diversity of mobility projects in NRW was evident, and it was inspiring to see participants advocating for sustainable mobility. By engaging with different contacts, new connections were made, and potential cooperation opportunities were explored.

We extend our gratitude to Petra Strunck for the invitation and are delighted that the event was such a success!


Preliminary Tests on Remote Ship Control: Assessing Mental Workload Impact

This week, we successfully conducted surveys at the ship's remote control station, with our main focus on assessing mental workload. Both qualitative and quantitative data were carefully collected. This was particularly significant for us due to the diverse demands on ship operators, especially regarding the specific challenges of remote control. We eagerly anticipate the evaluation and look forward to publishing the results in the near future.


Let's keep the human in mind - insights into the "human black box" in SAP transformation

In the world of SAP transformation, the focus often lies on technology and strategy. But what about the human element? During our visit to Synaworks GmbH, Eva Gößwein and Magnus Liebherr presented a psychologically informed approach to shed light on the 'black box' of the human mind. This enables companies to understand technology acceptance and mental strain in the context of digital transformation. The discussion with SAP experts expanded our approach and gave it life. We look forward to implementing it within this fruitful cooperation!


Co-operation meeting with the DARIA project

For three days, we put our heads together, analysed data and worked on a joint publication on the subject of trust in credit agencies with members of the DARIA project and collegues from the University Duisburg-Essen. 

Within the Daria project, methods and tools are being researched and tested that make it possible to combine information obtained from anonymised customer and user data for fraud prevention in compliance with data protection regulations. This is achieved by analysing the data records of various online services and users. The insights gained from this are to be used directly to recognise the risks of payment default or identity fraud and then used to prevent the incident. 


DARIA: Minimise identity fraud and default risk by using data in compliance with data protection regulations


New Article published: "Perception and Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles: Influencing Factors and the Relevance of Subjective Knowledge"

We are happy to announce that Verans first research paper as first-author is published in the Journal Human-Computer Interaction.

The paper explores factors that influence the acceptance of autonomous vehicles, with a focus on integrating subjective knowledge at the model level. In a 435-participant study, our findings highlight the critical role of subjective knowledge in improving perception, trust, and acctpance of autonomous vehicles


Perception and Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles: Influencing Factors and the Relevance of Subjective Knowledge


New Article published: "(Over)Trusting AI Recommendations: How System and Person Variables Affect Dimensions of Complacency"

Dig into one of our latest research article titled "(Over)Trusting AI Recommendations: How System and Person Variables Affect Dimensions of Complacency", which sheds light on the intricate dynamics between human factors and system variables related to over-trust and dimensions of complacency.  The study, featuring 90 participants tackling traffic route problems guided by AI recommendations, distinguishes between transparent and non-transparent systems. Surprisingly, transparent systems were found to reduce the potential for workload alleviation, while simultaneously fostering complacent behavior. Conversely, performance expectancy was identified as a factor capable of enhancing workload alleviation potential without encouraging complacency. The interaction analyses emphasized the nuanced relationship between performance expectancy and system transparency. This research contributes to our comprehension of the complex interplay of system and person-related variables in influencing complacency. It underscores the importance of carefully considering transparency and performance expectancy in the realm of AI research and design, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to avoid unintended consequences in decision-making processes. 



 Three days of discussions, data analysis, preparation of publication strategies and planning of further studies. An intensive time in our Mercur-funded project group with exciting findings and considerable progress in the joint studies. Surrounded by wonderful nature, we were able to drive our creative thoughts forward on one or two walks in the forest in addition to the constructive discussions in the seminar room.


New Article published on "Digital Mindfulness Trainings and Cognitive Functions"


We are delighted about the new publication "Digital mindfulness training and cognitive functions: A preregistered systematic review of neuropsychological findings" in the renowned journal Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

The aim of the present systematic review is to evaluate the research evidence on their effects on cognitive functions. Empirical training studies in the realm of digital mindfulness training that fulfilled the inclusion criteria led to 19 studies and 1654 participants being included in this review from among the papers searched in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge. Results support previous assumptions on the potential of digital mindfulness training, with the most robust effect on attention control, followed by executive regulation, memory, cognitive flexibility, and other cognitive functions. However, the number of studies that did not find significant changes at least equaled, if not exceeded, the number of studies that found increases. The heterogeneity of identified studies prompted us to discuss several aspects in order to help the future development of digital applications. If you want to read more please check the journal Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences


End of the year 2023


Let's bring the year to a close. It was an exciting, thrilling and successful year for us in 2023. We had a lot of fun, met new people, generated and published new insights. You can be curious, we have many ideas that we will realise in 2024.



Dagstuhl Seminar

A week at the Dagstuhl Seminar means a week of intensive dialogue, heated discussions and many exciting people. We had the opportunity to contribute our psychological/cognitive science perspective on the topic of trust and trustworthiness in AI applications and to drive the topic forward together with data scientists, computer scientists, engineers and innovation managers. What remains: Numerous impressions, new collaborations and acquaintances, as well as the realisation that one and the same thing is suddenly completely different from different perspectives. We are already looking forward to the next Dagstuhl Seminar.


Podcast on "Technology acceptance and adaptation to technology"

In this podcast, Eva talks about her journey in the technology world and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Some of our latest research and findings are presented, including the role of trust and adaptability in technology adoption. Eva also highlights other factors that influence technology acceptance: social environment & norms, experience, voluntariness or habits. Want to listen in #EducationNewscast Podcast



New article on game engagement and craving responses

Although playing videogames is a common leisure activity some individuals develop problematic gaming behaviors or even symptoms of a gaming disorder. Game engagement may be involved in reinvorcement learning that may result in experiences of craving, an important feature of gaming disorder. In the present study we aimed to approach the question which aspects contribute to increased craving for gaming. See our latest article



New blog post on "adaptability"

In our new blog post, we look at adaptability in the context of software implementation. You can find the article on the website of our partner #Synaworks.


Within the article, theoretical concepts are described but also connections to other constructs such as technology acceptance are explained.

You can find the whole blog post on the Synaworks website.


Member of the MOTION Institute

As of today, Magnus Liebherr is part of the MOTION Institute (MObility TransformaTION) and will represent our interests in the field of human factors and bring a psychological perspective to the institute's work.

The MOTION Institute bundles and represents research activities in the areas of innovation, mobility, in particular in the fields of materials research, computer science, electrical engineering, mechatronics, marine engineering and logistics, HMI, reactive flows as well as market and sales processes in the automotive and mobility industry sector. It supports joint research activities and the application for joint research tenders/ third-party funded research contracts. An important field of MOTION is the exchange with the automotive and supplier industry, the logistics sector and shipping as well as with other mobility sectors.


Mobility Workshop (Krefeld)

On Wednesday, we organized a mobility workshop in Krefeld. The first results from our BestMOD project were presented - and, of course, intensively discussed!

The central insight was that the use of sustainable means of transportation is linked to the habit of using cars. So far, so logical - but what does this mean for interventions regarding a more sustainable (mobile) future? The conversations with citizens and stakeholders from Krefeld enriched us and gave us new perspectives on our research. Thank you!

Special thanks goes to our presenting colleagues Lukas Spengler and Ingmar Kranefeld, and of course to everybody who was able to join our workshop!


Official "Kick-Off" of the Strali Project

Yesterday, we marked the official launch of the Strali project in Essen. The event was graced by warm words of welcome from the Mayor of Essen, Mrs. Jacob, the Vice-Rector of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Prof. Marròn, and the BMDV. It was heartening to witness the enthusiastic participation of both interested citizens and city representatives.


Following an engaging panel discussion in which we unveiled intricate project details, participants were given the valuable opportunity to engage with project members and delve deeper into the various facets of our initiative. This event was a resounding success, reinforcing the significance of our project in a tangible way.


Encouraged by this positive experience, we are now invigorated and back to the drawing board, focusing on meticulously planning the upcoming data collection phase.


Project Meeting "Cobotank" at Reederei Deymann

Have you ever sat in the loading bay of an inland cargo vessel and had productive talks on how to move on with the research and development work in your project? Well, we just did! 😉 Earlier this week, the #CoboTank team has met onboard the inland vessel Otto Deymann sr. and has conducted an intense workshop for a brief review of milestones achieved and the planning of the ones ahead. The presentation of the miniature demonstrator is coming up soon!


A big THANKS to #ReedereiDeymann for welcoming us onboard and ashore!


CoboTank aims to develop a collaborative robot for the loading and unloading process of inland tank vessels and to investigate the potential of fully automating the robot. The research project CoboTank is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport in the innovative port technologies funding program (IHATEC).


Project Meeting "Safebin" at RWTH Aachen

Yesterday, in Heidelberg, we delved into the realm of software implementation. Today, at RWTH Aachen University, we found ourself engrossed in the Safebin project, discussing the automation of inland navigation. These may appear as entirely disparate topics, but what unites them is our unwavering focus on the human element in the midst of ever-evolving technologies. Intriguingly, these two seemingly unrelated subjects converge when we explore themes such as technology trust, acceptance, affinity, mental workload, and even fundamental cognitive processes. Our encounter proved to be a captivating exchange, teeming with valuable insights, solutions, and promising pathways for our future collaborative endeavors. Thank you to RWTH Aachen for graciously hosting this thought-provoking gathering


Synaworks Partners Day in Heidelberg

Today was an exciting day at the Synaworks GmbH partner day in Heidelberg. Besides the delicious pretzels, Magnus Liebherr and I were especially thrilled by the insights into the practice of technology acceptance and adoption in the area of SAP software! A big thank you to the Synaworks team for the great organisation, the authentic atmosphere and the valuable input. A beautiful sunrise was on top - and even the construction sites here in Heidelberg want to inform about technology and technology trust!


Conference "New Technologies and Test Fields for Waterways and Ports at the BAW (Karlruhe)

The initiation of the funding programmes "Innovative Port Technologies", "Digital Test Fields Ports" and "Digital Test Fields Waterways" a few years ago has opened up the possibility of developing a large number of innovations to increase the attractiveness of waterways as a mode of transport and also to test them under real conditions!


At the invitation of the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, Dr Volker Wissing, the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport is now offering business and science the stage to present the first results from the funded projects to the public and to discuss future #mobility on the water together. CoboTank is of course represented with its own stand and shows a scaled model of the possible cobot accompanied by a video animation. We are also pleased to have our stand neighbour - the friendly project PortSkill 4.0, with whom CoboTank is developing virtual test scenarios for the operation of the Cobot!


Summer School for Human Factors (Chemnitz)

Eva Gößwein and Verena Staab participated in this year's Summer School for Human Factors at the Chemnitz University of Technology!


During this intensive week, they had the unique opportunity to work with experts in the field of Human Factors and to give inspiring lectures. The presentations included innovative approaches to improving mobility in our cities and how we can put people's needs at the centre of our efforts. On the other hand, they presented and discussed human-robot interaction in our Cobotank project with the aim of reducing mental workload.


CoboTank project gets first user feedback on cobot

In mid-September, we had the opportunity to present our initial ideas for our collaborative robot to students at the Schiffer-Berufskolleg RHEIN as part of the CoboTank project. We set up two focus groups, each consisting of four students, who discussed and evaluated our proposals for the robot's conceptual form and functions, as well as the design we proposed. We received a lot of input and are now developing a concrete prototype. Our next topic is the graphical user interface, which will also be discussed with potential users.

03. - 06.09.2023

Mensch und Computer 2023 in Rapperswil

We had a great time discussing current research ideas at the Mensch und Computer conference in Rapperswil. The conference was held at OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, which is located on Lake Zurich and was a fantastic conference location. The conference is the largest conference series on human-computer interaction in Europe and is an interdisciplinary event between academia and industry. We were able to present the CoboTank project as well as ideas for future studies at the conference and are very grateful for the feedback we received and the inspiring exchange of ideas.

We are already looking forward to Mensch und Computer 2024 in Karlsruhe!


Kick-Off Meeting Project Strali

Our kick-off meeting for the Strali project took place in Duisburg. The individual representatives of the chairs of ABWL and Mobility, General Business Administration & International Automotive Management, Mobility and Urban Planning as well as Mechatronics came together with representatives of the city of Essen to plan the further procedure in the Strali project. We are looking forward to the cooperation in the next three years, to exciting findings and joint publications.


For more information about the project, please read our project description.


New Blog Post with Synaworks: Technology Trust

We would like to introduce our new blog post, focusing on a crucial aspect of our digital age: technology trust. In this post, we explore the importance of trust in modern technology and its profound impact on all aspects of our lives. Read the full article here.

This is part of our ongoing series created in collaboration with Synaworks, dedicated to exploring various aspects of technology and its integration into modern life. Stay tuned for more!


We are hiring for our new mFund project "STRALI"

09. - 11.08.2023

UPA Summer School

From August 9th to 11th we had the opportunity to participate in the summer school of the German UPA (Professional Association of German Usability and User Experience Professionals) at the Kloster Bronnbach. Within 2 days we worked on a problem for which we had to develop and test a solution within the framework of the Human Centered Design process. We developed a first prototype using UX methods such as interviews, personas, storytelling, prototyping and usability testing. Applying these techniques and getting feedback from a panel of experts was a great pleasure. We are very excited to be able to apply some of the lessons learned to developing the Cobot as well, as part of the CoboTank Project. 


New Blog Post with Synaworks: Technology Acceptance

We present our first blog post on one of our focus topics: technology acceptance. In this post, we talk about how people come to embrace and integrate new technologies into their lives. We delve into the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), exploring what influences the process of acceptance . Read the full article here.

This is part of our series created in collaboration with Synaworks, dedicated to exploring various aspects of technology and its integration into modern life. Stay tuned for more!


Cooperation with the Consultancy Synaworks from Heidelberg: Science Meets Business

We are pleased to announce our cooperation with the IT and management consultancy Synaworks. Synaworks has made it its business to provide its customers with customized SAP IT solutions that enable sustainable change for companies. But besides technical understanding, human factors also play a crucial role in the digital transformation. With our findings from the fields of psychology and cognitive science on topics such as mental workload, adaptability and cognitive functions, we provide theoretical and applied insights for an engaging exchange.


For more information, please read Synaworks' blog.


New Publication: „Influences of Personal Driving Styles and Experienced System Characteristics on Driving Style Preferences in Automated Driving“

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our latest research paper in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz. The study aims to answer the question of how users want to be driven by analyzing the influence of personal driving styles on the perception of comfort, safety, and trust in conditional automated driving. In addition, a new approach is introduced to identify user preferences for automated driving by giving participants the opportunity to demonstrate their desired automated driving style through manual showcasing and comparing it to their personal driving style. Furthermore, it is investigated if the perceived anthropomorphism and driving strategy influence whether a presented automated driving style is preferred or not. We invite you to dive into the details of our study.


Link to the paper: Influence of Personal Drivint Styles and Experienced System Characteristics on Driving Style Preferences in Automated Driving


mFund project "STRALI" approved by the Federal Ministry (Funding volume: € 1.8 million)

Today we received the great news that our joint project: Strategic Charging Infrastructure Planning for the Electrification of Urban Transport - STRALI has been approved by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport. The aim of the project is to develop a demand-driven charging infrastructure plan in line with the transport policy objectives of the municipalities, based on multi-criteria data collection and analysis. The charging infrastructure plan will be used in the future to manage traffic flows in a targeted and resource-efficient way using appropriate web-based applications. Our work focus on mobility behaviour, technology acceptance, adaptability to new mobility solutions and influencing factors. In addition to the chairs of the University of Duisburg-Essen (Mechatronics, General Business Administration & Mobility, Mobility and Urban Planning and for General Business Administration & International Automotive Management), the companies Schotte Automotive GmbH & Co. KG and IT-Objects GmbH are part of the project consortium.


We are looking forward to working in an interdisciplinary project group over the next three years on exciting issues relating to e-mobility, alternative mobility solutions, behavioural changes .... and, in doing so, making a significant contribution to shaping the future of mobility.



Lecture at the Hochschule Geisenheim University


Today we give a lecture on Human Factors in Viticulture at the

Hochschule Geisenheim University.


Date: 13.07.2023

Time: 10 am

Location: Hochschule Geisenheim, Eibinger Weg 1, 65366 Geisenheim, Lecture room: HS18


We look forward to delve into the intricate relationship between viticulture and human factors. Discussing new technology in viticulture from a human centred perspective. 


What a day...


Today we had an incredibly productiv, creative and successful day.


- We participated in a project meeting at DST for the Safebin project, where we presented the current status and agreed upon the next steps. Exciting progress in the work!


- We worked on conceptualizing the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for the Cobotank project. Innovation and creative problem-solving at its finest!


- We were invited by the Mercator Foundation to the Mercur Club, where we connected with other professionals and gained valuable insights for the Mercur project.


- We wrapped up the day with a fantastic joint barbecue event on the rooftop terrace in Duisburg. The perfect way to celebrate our accomplishments and strengthen team bonds.


We are feeling grateful for a day filled with meaningful collaborations, inspiring ideas, and enjoyable moments. We look forward to what tomorrow brings.



Explore to Innovate 2023

We were very pleased to give a talk on „Mental Workload in the use of Driver Assistance Systems" at the Explore to Innovate Conference held by the IFM Institute of the Hochschule Kempten.

The Conference provided a dynamic platform for industry professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts to come together and delve into the fascinating realm of automated driving technologies. It was a pleasure to exchange insights on cutting-edge technologies shaping our future.

Our presentation focused on the critical aspect of mental workload in the context of driver assistance systems. As our roads become increasingly populated with advanced technologies, it is imperative to understand the demands imposed on drivers. By evaluating mental workload, we gain valuable insights into the usability, safety, and overall effectiveness of these systems.

We explored the various factors contributing to mental workload, including the complexity of system interfaces, information processing demands, and the integration of multiple assistance features. Additionally, I delved into the challenges faced by drivers, such as information overload and the potential for distraction.


Thanks to the Explore to Innovate Conference organizers for providing this remarkable platform to share research and insights. I invite you all to connect with us if you're interested in delving deeper into this fascinating field or if you have any insights or experiences to share. Let's collaborate and propel innovation in the realm of driver assistance systems.


CoboTank meets PortSkill 4.0

Networking and cooperation was the motto of today's meeting of the two projects #CoboTank and #Portskill 4.0 of #IHATEC II (funding of the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr).
PortSkill 4.0 is the first IHATEC project to focus on employees with the topic of training and further education in the context of increasing automation and digitalisation. Learn more (DE):
The #CoboTank team is developing and testing a partially automated system for loading and unloading tankers using a collaborative robot ("cobot") in human-technology interaction. Furthermore, concepts for a fully automated robot system are being developed.