About us

We are a group of researchers who aim at gaining a better insight into human behaviour and its underlying mechanisms in a world which becomes increasingly complex. We engage in multiple areas of human factors, such as highly automated driving, the use of collaborative robotic systems, the automation of ships, as well as new software solutions. We provide fundamental as well as more applied findings from a psychological and cognitive science perspective, with a focus on mental workload, adaptability, acceptance, and cognitive functions as well as influencing factors. Our findings create a basis for a human-centred development of new technologies and the development of measures to support the users in interacting with new systems. Our work is funded by different national and international research grants as well as various business partners.




HHAI 2024: Hybrid Human AI Systems for the Social Good

Last week, we had a great time at the third Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2024) Conference in Malmö, Sweden. The conference focused on the study of Artificial Intelligent systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively, and purposefully with humans, amplifying rather than replacing human intelligence.


We had the opportunity to hear from experts on a variety of topics, including LLMs, trust in HI-systems and various HI applications. The conference fostered an interdisciplinary exchange between psychologists and computer scientists, enriching the dialogue with diverse perspectives. This type of collaboration is essential for developing HHAI systems that are both effective and user-friendly.


We are excited to share our proceedings paper on “Trust in AI Chatbots: The Perceived Expertise of ChatGPT in Subjective and Objective Tasks”, which delves into trust dynamics in AI interactions. You can access the paper here: https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA240200, it’s open access.


Research Visit at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (Doha)

What an incredible week in Doha, full of new experiences and fruitful discussions with brilliant minds from Hamad Bin Khalifa University, University of Doha for Science and Technology, and Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar.

We delved into the field of Human-Computer Interaction, discussing topics of Explainable AI, Data Security, Gamification, Virtual Environments, and explored the relevance of cognitive functions, adaptability, and trust in these domains.

A special thank you to Raian Ali and Hamad Bin Khalifa University for the warm hospitality and for inviting me. I am excited about the prospect of increasing our level of cooperation and embarking on new projects in the future.


#ScientificExchange #HumanComputerInteraction #XAI #DataSecurity #Gamification #VirtualEnvironments #Collaboration #Innovation


Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - Europe Chapter (Lübeck)


What an exciting week at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - Europe Chapter conference in Lübeck!

We as Human Factors and Cognition were thrilled to come together with 175 attendees from 18 countries to share and discover the latest insights in our field. In line with the city's maritime flair, we presented our latest research findings from the maritime context, along with a asystematic review on executive functions and adaptation to new technologies. It was a fantastic opportunity to present our research to an international audience and receive valuable feedback from colleagues across Europe.

A heartfelt thank you also goes to the organizers and sponsors who made this event possible. We are grateful to be part of such a vibrant and dynamic community of researchers and look forward to continuing the discussions and collaborations at future events.


Successful conclusion of the FernBin project

Yesterday we participated in the final project event of the FernBin project focusing on Remote Coordinated Navigation in Inland Navigation.


FernBin addresses the challenges of inland navigation by providing a secure remote control system for vessels such as Rhenus Logistics' "Ernst Kramer". The project aims to alleviate the shortage of skilled personnel and maximize the efficiency of vessel operations.



At the event, we highlighted our contribution: the integration of psychological insights and human factors into the project framework. In addition, we presented the first results of our remote control study focusing on mental workload and human factors during remote control of vessels.


Behind the scenes: The STRALI team on the road in Frohnhausen!

Yesterday was a particularly enriching day for us from the STRALI project team, as we set out to make direct contact with the citizens of the Frohnhausen district. Our aim was to use the local library to gather opinions, experiences and wishes from citizens on the topic of mobility.


It was a great opportunity to gain a deeper insight into people's everyday mobility needs. Through surveys and face-to-face conversations, we were able to gain valuable insights to help us paint a more detailed picture of mobility habits and ideas in Essen.
We have endeavored to give everyone the opportunity to contribute their voice, whether through direct feedback or completed questionnaires about their daily journeys and the challenges they face.


Every shared experience plays an important role in our efforts to better understand and respond to mobility needs in the city of Essen. So a big thank you to everyone who was part of this exchange yesterday. Your openness and commitment are a true inspiration for our future work.


We look forward to analyzing the insights gathered to deepen our understanding of mobility in Essen. Stay tuned for further updates and developments on the STRALI project or take part in our survey!
